Why Did It Have To Be You

Why did it have to be you?

Why did it have to be you know dazzled and dazed me, hypnotized me. When we met you didn’t open the door on the other side of the room but the one that pulled down from the attic revealing a nostalgic sky in which we lost our youthful minds. 

Why did it have to be you who opened my heart to the most selfless love I’ve ever know and thrown it back in my face. Because we both know that it was never good enough, was it? 

Why did it have to be you that laced our fingers and our thoughts through conversations in the dark, pulling out memories and emotions that I had completely forgotten existed. 

Why did it have to be you who played with my mind, hooking me to a line that only you had control of… No, that was me. 

Why did I not realize that you didn’t care, why did I not walk away, and why did I spend countless nights crying away the pain that I’d rather forget than feel. 

They say that it’s better to feel pain than nothing at all, but this pain is so much that my heart is aching and breaking just to have one more taste of your affection. 

Sometimes I wish I could have some sort of accident in which all trace of you was wiped away, because the pain of never being good enough for you hurts more than the memories can replace. 

It’s a constant aching, and it numbs after a while. But when the night sets in, the flood gates open. And the only thing I can ask myself is why did it have to be you?